Leadership / Values
Achievers in Life, Inc.

Achievers in Life (AIL) is a non-profit mentoring organization whose primary emphasis is on young men age 5 to 19. Achievers in Life helps its participants to develop mentally, physically, spiritually and socially in order to achieve their full potentials in life. This is an organization that we give both our time and our talents to support this worthwhile cause.
Project Information
Achievers in Life, Inc.
Birmingham, AL

From that point on I have used Advanced Planning Services for our major and small events. Having APS as a business partner has allowed me to focus on the big picture.
Our partnership has also allowed us to start new initiatives without worrying about the implementation process. We bring APS in at the beginning of our idea creation sessions, and their strategic and planning acumen helps us be more effective in launching new events and programs.
We encourage you to consider Advanced Planning Services as a member of your staff with strategic and planning capabilities. They will make your events special while eliminating your worry about the implementation details.