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Welcome to APSpress!

Event planning made easy: practical tips and creative ideas.

APSpress is about simplifying your life and saving time, money and energy. It’s for those of you who love to entertain and plan events and for those who just end up with the responsibility for planning meetings, conferences, social functions and special events.

APSpress is written by people who plan meetings and special events for people who plan meetings and special events. It’s full of lists, answers to those tough questions and things that make you think - think about what you can do, should do or might have forgotten to do.

APSpress is also about supporting those of you who plan meetings for a living. We will share small business tips and information that will help you become a better business owner and help you grow your business.

We at Advanced Planning Services, LLC hope that APSpress helps make planning your meetings and special events more fun and less hectic. Because that's what it's all about - creating events that are well organized, professionally executed, enjoyed by all, and fun to host.

Expert Planning Insights
APSpress Blog

Step 7: Develop Your Budget

Things to consider when determining how much you will need to spend or make on the event

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Step 6: Create Event Timelines

Now it’s time to determine HOW you are going to make it all work.

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Step 5: Select the Location and Venue

WHERE you hold your event is another big factor in the success of your endeavor.

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Step 4: Determine the Type of Event

The goal in selecting the type of event is to match the event with the audience and the event goals…

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Step 3: Identify Your Target Audience & Your Stakeholders

Now that you know WHY you are having the event and WHAT your desired outcomes are, you can focus on…

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Step 2: Set Goals and Objectives

Now that you have your planning team in place, the next step is to decide WHY you are having this…

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